by | Mar 29, 2021 | Current, Status, Level project, State, Lower Saxony, HyExperts
HyExperts I: H2 Region Emsland District of Emsland, City of Lingen Aim: H2 Region Emsland – Nucleus for an integrated, industrial hydrogen market Duration: 08/20 to 12/21 Project description The Emsland is a rural region with 328,006 inhabitants spread over an area of...
by | Mar 29, 2021 | Lower Saxony, HyStarter, Status, Level project, State
HyStarter I: Hydrogen Region Schaumburg District of Schaumburg The district of Schaumburg is a rural yet densely populated region and resembles Germany in miniature. In terms of landscape, the area includes several low mountain ranges and the German lowlands. The...