
HyExperts II: District of Warburg Region

About the region

The district of Wartburg, located in western Thuringia, has 160,000 inhabitants and is the most populous and largest district in Thuringia. It is also Thuringia’s strongest industrial region, characterised by the automotive industry, mining and the dynamically growing sectors of metalworking, mechanical engineering and healthcare.

Due to its central location in Germany, directly on the federal motorway 4, as well as the good transport infrastructure with the ICE stop in Eisenach and the Eisenach-Kindel airfield, the district is also an attractive location for the logistics industry. As a leading e-mobility region in Thuringia, a central goal of the Wartburg district is to establish climate-friendly mobility. This and energy-intensive industry offer great potential for the application of hydrogen as an energy carrier.

Hydrogen mission of the region

  • Creation of an implementable, integrated overall concept for the establishment and expansion of a regional green hydrogen economy in the Unstrut-Hainich district and Wartburg district.
  • Identification of further locations for the production of green regional hydrogen
  • Development of a regional logistics concept
  • Establishment of a hydrogen refuelling station network and integration into the national network
  • Creation of a regional sales market for green hydrogen from the region
  • Focus: Multimodal use of hydrogen in the mobility sector
  • Identification of potential hydrogen users from the industrial and heating sectors
  • Energy system modelling for mapping and assessing the technical and economic aspects of the entire regional hydrogen value chain
  • More information at: https://www.wasserstoffregion-wartburg-hainich.de/
The HyExperts stakeholders:

Wartburgkreis Waste Management Association – City of Eisenach – BAC Entsorgungswirtschaft GmbH; City of Bad Langensalza – Fraunhofer UMSICHT – Kreisbauernverband Eisenach/Bad Salzungen e.V. – Lindig GmbH – Opel Automobile GmbH (Eisenach plant) – Power 2 Gas Langensalza GmbH – Q1 Energie AG – Regionalbusgesellschaft Unstrut-Hainich- und Kyffhäuserkreis – Reuss Holzverarbeitung,
-recycling und Energieholz GmbH – City of Eisenach – Thüringer Energie- und GreenTech-Agentur GmbH – Triveda GmbH – District of Unstrut-Hainich – Verkehrsunternehmen Wartburgmobil (VUW) gkAöR – and many more.

Project contact

Wartburgkreis District Office – Deputy Head of District Planning Office, Climate Protection Manager
+49 3695 61-6301

© Sandra Blume

HyBayern – Grüne Wasserstoffmodellregion

Aufbau eines geschlossenen Kreislaufs aus grüner H2 Erzeugung, -verteilung und -nutzung
Landkreis Landshut, Ebersberg, München
42 Mio. Euro
Durch die Nutzung des grünen Wasserstoffs als Kraftstoff für den Betrieb von 35 neuen Brennstoff­zellen- Bussen, 30 Pkw, Flurförder­zeugen und dem geplanten Wasserstoff-Technologie-Anwender­zentrum werden jährlich bis zu 4.500 Tonnen CO2 Tonnen CO2 eingespart.