HyExperts II: Districts of Reutlingen and Tübingen

The districts of Reutlingen, with about 290,000 inhabitants, and Tübingen, with about 230,000 inhabitants, are located in the Neckar-Alb region in southwestern Germany. They rank among the economically strong areas of Baden-Württemberg and are part of the Stuttgart metropolitan region. Numerous traditional craft businesses, medium-sized companies and globally recognised industrial companies, some with many years of experience in the field of hydrogen and fuel cell technology, are located here, including Robert Bosch GmbH and EKPO Fuel Cell Technologies GmbH. In 2021, the district of Reutlingen successfully completed the HyStarter project. An active and very motivated cross-district network has developed promising project ideas for both districts. These are now being concretised and implemented with the help of HyExperts funding.
Our vision is to develop hydrogen as a sustainable energy carrier in the Reutlingen and Tübingen region. In our HyExpert region, which is called HyNATuRe (Hydrogen – Neckar-Alb-Tuebingen-Reutlingen), a regional hydrogen economy is to be developed and established:
- Production of green hydrogen in the region
- Strengthening climate-friendly mobility, especially through the operation of hydrogen-based buses, commercial vehicles and trains
- Replacement of CO2-intensive grey hydrogen with regional green hydrogen in industrial processes
- Information and public relations work to ensure that the population and industry understand, accept and use hydrogen as an energy carrier in the future
Bioenergie Aichelau GmbH & Co. KG – Bottenschein Reisen GmbH & Co. KG – EKPO Fuel Cell Technologies GmbH – ErneuerbareEnergien Neckar-Alb eG (EENA) – FairNetz GmbH – Reutlingen University – Hohensteiner Bioenergie GbR – HöRa Naturenergie GmbH & Co. KG – Reutlingen Chamber of Industry and Commerce – Climate Protection Agencies Reutlingen and Tübingen – Reutlingen and Tübingen districts and cities – Neckar-Alb Regional Association – Regionalverkehr Alb Bodensee GmbH (RAB) – Robert Bosch GmbH Reutlingen site – Schwäbische Alb-Bahn GmbH – SchwörerHaus KG – solarcomlex AG – SoWiTec GmbH – Stadtwerke Tübingen GmbH
Julia Bernecker, District of Reutlingen,
+49 7121 480-3323
Gertrud Gandenberger, District of Tübingen,
+49 7071 207-5304
© Angela Hammer