
HyStarter II: City of Bentheim

About the region

With 16,000 inhabitants, Bad Bentheim is located in the extreme south-western corner of Lower Saxony, bordering on North Rhine-Westphalia and the Netherlands. Bad Bentheim is known far beyond its borders as a health and recreation location, so it has long been a concern to preserve nature and live in harmony with it.

The goals have been summarised in the integrated climate protection concept since 2012, and since 2014 the city has had a climate protection manager. At the end of 2020, Bad Bentheim adopted the resolution to become a globally sustainable municipality. Two wind farms, a large number of photovoltaic plants, biogas plants with waste heat utilisation for our swimming pools have been in operation for many years. Now, H2 for climate-neutral mobility is to be provided at an industrial park at the A30 motorway border crossing with the Netherlands. Areas for wind turbine sites are being planned for this. A large number of companies are interested in the production and use of H2.

Hydrogen mission of the region

  • Production of hydrogen from wind and solar power with
    electrolysers developed in Bad Bentheim
  • Creation of H2 infrastructure for local energy-intensive businesses as a
    substitute for natural gas
  • Construction of an H2 filling station on the A31 motorway / Gildehaus
  • Use of H2 for processing raw biogas into natural gas
  • Production of bio CNG from hydrogen and raw biogas for 12 public transport vehicles
    Buses, trucks and tractors
  • Fuel cell-powered vehicles in freight transport
    Project goal: To decarbonise Bad Bentheim by 2035

The HyStarter stakeholders:

ABO Wind AG – Agrowea GmbH & Co. KG – Bentec GmbH – Bentheimer Eisenbahn AG –
Energieversorgung Bad Bentheim GmbH & Co. KG · Fachklinik Bad Bentheim · Thermal-
sole- und Schwefelbad Bentheim GmbH · Fürst zu Bentheimsche Domänenkammer ·
Hitachi Zosen Inova Schmack GmbH · Model GmbH · Prowind GmbH · Q1Energie AG ·
Hof Schulte Siering – B.E.S. GmbH & Co.KG · Thyssengas GmbH · Westenergie GmbH

Project contact

Martin Hofschröer
Energieversorgung Bad Bentheim, Managing Director
+49 5922 9994518

Adobe Stock © Claire Slingerland

HyBayern – Grüne Wasserstoffmodellregion

Aufbau eines geschlossenen Kreislaufs aus grüner H2 Erzeugung, -verteilung und -nutzung
Landkreis Landshut, Ebersberg, München
42 Mio. Euro
Durch die Nutzung des grünen Wasserstoffs als Kraftstoff für den Betrieb von 35 neuen Brennstoff­zellen- Bussen, 30 Pkw, Flurförder­zeugen und dem geplanten Wasserstoff-Technologie-Anwender­zentrum werden jährlich bis zu 4.500 Tonnen CO2 Tonnen CO2 eingespart.