HyStarter II: District of Kulmbach

The administrative district of Kulmbach is located in the heart of the administrative area of Upper Franconia in the Free State of Bavaria. It consists of 22 towns, markets and communities and has 72,000 inhabitants living in an area of 656 km². Innovative companies from a wide range of sectors have settled in the Kulmbach economic area. Together with the district of Kulmbach and university educational institutions, they form the H2-Allianz Landkreis Kulmbach+ (H2 Alliance Kulmbach+ District) Under the leadership of the district of Kulmbach, a strong H2 concept was developed, for which we were awarded the title of HyStarter model region of the federal government. On the way to becoming a climate-neutral district, we are updating the climate protection concept drawn up in 2010 with a digital CO2 balance and are participating in the European Energy Awards. We already generate over 65% of our total electricity consumption with renewable energies. Further expansion is our goal for H2 generation.
- Increasing renewable energies for hydrogen production
- Expansion of free-field PV areas / wind power plants. Establishment of an H2 infrastructure for passenger cars and commercial vehicles
- Creation of a sales market for construction machinery manufacturers / retrofitters
- Use of heavy-duty H2 machines in quarries or in the road construction sector
- Education campaign on hydrogen mobility
- Use of hydrogen vehicles for demonstration purposes for maintenance and repair
- H2 qualification for professional drivers
- Development of H2 technologies
- H2 heat pumps or absorption chillers using electrolysis waste heat
AGO GmbH Energie + Anlagen – Anlagenbau Neundörfer – ASK August Schneider GmbH & Co. KG – Autotechnik Hahn e.K. – Azure H2 / FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg – Bäcker-Innung Kulmbach – Bayernwerk – Bergwerk Strategie und Marke – Bildungswerk Bayern – BtX energy GmbH – Fahrzeugbau Schubert GmbH – Frenzelit – Glen Dimplex Deutschland – Hartsteinwerke Schicker – Helfrich Ingenieure – IHK Bayreuth – Institute for Energy Technology / OTH Amberg- Weiden – Kulmbacher Brauerei – Maschinenring Kulmbach – MSR-Innovations – Münch Energie – Raimund Transport und Baustoff GmbH – SCHWENDER Energie- und Gebäudetechnik GmbH & Co. KG – Spedition Murrmann – Spedition Schmidt-Hofmann – Stadtbus Kulmbach – Stadtwerke Kulmbach – UNI Bayreuth / ZET – VA Verkehrsakademie Holding GmbH & Co. KG – and many more.
Ingrid Flieger
Kulmbach District Office, Climate Management
+49 9221 707-148
©Reinhard Feldrapp